- Stay healthy
Exercise is not only something to keep you healthy and you body feeling good, it also relieves stress. You may dread the workout, but after it is over you are leaving the gym refreshed and confident. Eating fast food all the time is unhealthy and not only bad for you, but creates a feeling of regret. I promise the better you eat, the better you feel.
- Open up & make friends
My mother use to say, "You'll meet your life-long best friends in college." I never believed her until I did. The friends I have now know more about me than anyone. They have seen me at my best and worst and still love me. We are incredibly close and would do anything for each other. I could not imagine life without every single one of them. Do not be afraid to venture out and meet friends!
- Get involved
Not everyone has to be athletic and play a sport to be involved in college. Being involved consists of stepping up and putting yourself out there. Greek Life may not be for you, but if you are considering it, do it! Going to study groups help you learn and make friends. Students who are involved on campus tend to have higher GPA's then those who are not. Most majors have organizations based around them, which will provide you with more opportunities. Student governments are at every school, personally, it is something I wish I would have joined. The possibilities are endless!
- Talk to your professors
I never studied in high school, I made straight A's and never put in effort, time, or hours of studying. I don't even recall picking up a book. I struggled in the beginning of school, I never had to study, therefore I did not know how to study. Talking and meeting with your professors provides a great teacher/student relationship, the teacher will know you care about the class and will help you learn the material and develop study and test-taking skills.
- Go to class
Get out of bed and get to class. If your professor does not take attendance, good for you, go anyways. You can miss out on simple test questions and answers and important information for the class. It's expensive to go to college, take advantage of what a privilege it really is.
- Make time for yourself
Stress and worry will flood your mind. Take a few steps back, unwind and relax. Watch netflix, get a massage, go eat with friends, or take a nap. Do whatever you have to do to make time for yourself and relax!
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